April 4, 2023
Remote therapeutic monitoring has become an essential tool for healthcare providers to keep track of their patients’ health conditions and progress remotely.
With the rise of remote health services, it’s important to understand the different types of remote monitoring available.In this blog post, we’ll explore the difference between remote physiological monitoring and remote therapeutic monitoring, as explained by Dr. Andrew Gorecki, a physical therapist and owner of
Movement RX.
Remote physiological monitoring, also known as RPM, has been around for some time now. It is intended to monitor physiological parameters such as weight, blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and other physiological indicators. However, Dr. Gorecki notes that physical therapists typically cannot bill for these codes, as they are usually billed by other healthcare providers.
On the other hand, remote therapeutic monitoring is a more recent development, initiated in 2022. The remote therapeutic monitoring codes are intended to monitor services related to the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, or therapy adherence and response. Dr. Gorecki is an expert in remote therapeutic monitoring, and his company, Movement RX, is the best remote therapeutic monitoring system on the market.
Movement RX – Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) Software for Physical Therapists
The Movement RX system monitors a range of indicators related to the musculoskeletal system, including home exercise program participation, movement adherence, steps, walking, musculoskeletal pain level, and functional level. By tracking these indicators, Movement RX can gauge therapeutic response and adherence, helping physical therapists to tailor their treatment plans and improve patient outcomes.
It’s essential for physical therapists to understand the difference between remote physiological monitoring and remote therapeutic monitoring to provide the best possible care to their patients. While remote physiological monitoring may be useful for some healthcare providers, remote therapeutic monitoring is better suited to physical therapists, as it is tailored specifically to musculoskeletal health and therapy adherence and response.
In conclusion, remote therapeutic monitoring is an effective and valuable tool for physical therapists. With the help of companies like Movement RX, physical therapists can remotely monitor their patients’ health conditions and progress, improve treatment plans, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.